our thanks

Janine's thanks

To The H2 Company for hosting our site, to Chris for buying me 'a nice cup of tea and sit down' book, Leanne for the 'Women's Weekly: Cakes and Biscuits & Slices' book and my Mum and Dad for the 'Afternoon Teas: Home made Bakes & Party cakes' book and various books for where to have afternooon tea. Thanks to work for my Friday teaandcake budget to provide fellow colleagues with a tasty snack during our weekly meet up :) And to all my friends for their general enthusiasm and encouragement to go-live! Make mine a builders for our first competion!

Sam's thanks

To Sarah for being my partner in cake, to my Mum for making me butterfly buns at an impressionable age, to Mike for agreeing to join the mahem, to Tina Sparkle for warm encouragement on the bus, to Naziya, Liam and Rosie for proof reading skills, to Daz for fabulous teapot pictures at a timely hour, to Ray, Linette, Sabrina, Dan, Tim, Cathy and all the LJ folk for enthusiasm, and to Mr Kipling for creating Viennese Whirls.

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