mike's baking alphabet
So, you've been stuffed with cake, drowned in tea, and all of a sudden you've got an uncontrollable urge to buy a bag of crisps and a jar of Marmite. When the brains behind T&C asked me to join in and throw together an alphabet of cooking and cookery techniques I jumped at the chance, thinking that I could add a more savoury element to a very British experience. For the next 26 editions of T&C I'll be writing about cooking, brought to you by the letter A, B, C... and I hope you'll enjoy reading what I can come up with.
Just don't expect it to be all about butter, sugar & flour, although I might slip into the sweet stuff from time to time.
a is for... apples, asparagus, al dente
including recepies for:-
- potato, cheese and apple layer bake (or gratin, if you prefer)
- three-cheese asparagus tart
> take me to the recipes
b is for... brownies, baking tips, bread
including recepies for:-
- the day-to-day brownie
- the something special brownie
> take me to the recipes
c is for... cake and cookies
including recepies for:-
- classic sponge cake and how to change it to make chocolate cake, Lemon
cake, cup cakes and more...
- cookies
> take me to the recipes